my wonderful exam results… (sarcasm)

21 Aug

Oh hey there sexual interwebbers!
How has everyone’s week/two weeks been? I haven’t been on the net recently, sure you’ve missed me.. lol, hashtag-sarcasm.
So this week (well, last week now..) I got my exam results, like most of the people in the UK. Oh dear. And like most of you beings, I was laying bricks the two weeks leading up the date of doooom (august 16th to be exact). So, the night before was the deciding what I was going to do before my exam results. I decided, no make-up and leggings, just in case I had to run home and sit under my duvet. So I get my results and I was secretly quite happy, because I knew all of the answers for the exams that I took. So I get my little brown envelope (the little brown parcels of hate) and went to my car where my mum was waiting for me, and on passing my friends we did the whole oh good luck! Spiel, got in my car and opened the little flap and pulled out the white sheet of doom (am I building the tension yet? 😉 ) and look at it. I read the big letters down the page, and burst into tears. Not the good kind. Turns out the exams that I had been so ok about, thinking that I would get great results and do myself justice, were based on false hope. DDDDC. Now, in GCSE, I got all As and A*s (not meaning to gloat) so getting this on my A levels when even in class I get like As on my homeworks, I was so shocked. One of the Ds was in general studies which is like the multiple choice exam that you don’t have a lesson on and then write an essay (the multiple choice were simple comprehension questions and the essay was based on soap operas…) in 2 different exams: culture; and science and technology (they only asked us about plastic bags- GCSE chemistry basically, but simplified) and in one of them I got an A, and in the other I got an E, levelling out to a D, and I was quite shocked, because all year the teachers and students were like, yeah general studies is the one exam that youre garenteed a good score in, an idiot could pass it- well, obviously not for me! Haha. But yeah- the others I was quite shocked about as well (RE+philosophy (kind of- I don’t have a good essay technique), human biology (I got a C, dispite knowing all of the answers?), and psychology (again, knew all of the answers?). to be pretty honest to you, Im not shocked or surprised on my D in german- I finished the exam an hour early and just did ip-dip-doo on all of the listening questions which were multiple choice!. But there you go. That’s my exam results. And now I need to think of something else to do in the future. I originally wanted to go to dental school, but didn’t do A-level chem, then decided that I could get my degree in dental hygiene and therapy then go on to a full dental course, but that needs BBB, which I don’t have right now and need to apply in October (that reminds me- I need to write my personal statement- crap!). what else can I do?! Also, I am taking my SATs in november to see if I can go to an American dental school- I just need to ace it, it’s all multiple choice, and only one very tiny essay, so I should be fine!- which has always been my plan any way –my parents weren’t too keen on the idea, but now that I wont get into a school in England which they wanted, they’ve kind of given in hashtag lol- wooo studying…. Haha.
How did everyone else’s results go? Ive spoken to a lot of people (well, a lot being some on my friends, so objectively not really a lot, and they didn’t do too good either. I don’t understand why they’re being so harsh on marking exams and making the grade boundries so hard and making the exams so full of content which is like impossible- don’t they want kids to do well?!- and its just unfair on the students that aren’t like child protégés who sit at home learning 10 instruments and living in a library because we probably wont get in to the university we want, dispite the fact that we probably are not the top people but not dipshites either. Grrr. Hate the british school system. Does anyone else agree? If you want more of my ranting, I have done two previous blogs on school and exams 😉
In better news, IM GOING TO THE BEACH TOMORROW WOO!! And I go a new school backpack- im going to be the coolest person everrr! 😉
Oh- by the way- follow me on instagram- @RachaelHannahx3 , im always posting pictures (especially of my cat, if you like cats…) and tumblr; and ask me something (come on, don’t be boring 😉 ) again, lots of pictures of my cat… and my twitter- @Rachaelhannahx3 so get connecting with meee!! 😀
So yeaaah- if anyone has anything to add to this topic of exam results (by the way- I haven’t really told my friends what I got on my results, so you guys better feel privileged 😉 ) comment below!
And im sad now that the Olympics are over- im back to watching come dine with me all day every day… hashtag-no life
Ok bye!!


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