why school and summer annoys me

20 May

good evening bloggers!

hope you all had a lovely, peaceful weekend, ‘cuz i didnt. -.- sat on the floor in my living room ALL weekend, doing nothin but human biology revision for my exam tomorrow. might have a myocardial infarction ive done so much (its a biology joke- get it?? ;)) <- evidence that ive revised too much, haha.

so as exams (kinda) come to an end, that means that summer is upon us. or so we think- look outside at all of the rain and you might be fooled that it is still february- and its that time of year, where im freaking out as hell over what to do this summer.

so every summer for the whole of my life, i have gone to america to visit family, and the past 6 summers i have gone to sleep away camp. but this summer, is the first summer in my whole life that i am not booked to go (im too old to go to summer camp now- boo.) and it sucks, and its like the wierdest thing ever.

so, ive been looking frantically for summer jobs, and i dont know what to do. ive tried to apply to loads of summer camps in America, but i cant work there because their summer season starts in the end of June, and i dont get out of school until the end of July and they wont let me work there for only the second month- i know, it sucks. and i have a part time job at the moment (yeaaah bigging it up working in retail..-.-) and i DO NOT want the highlight of my summer to be working 2 evenings a week in a store. thats just not happening- especially when i need to buy a car this summer (any donations happily accepted ;)) and it just sucks. i have been on pretty much every website on this magical thing called the internet, and i am pulling a blank.i feel like one of those adults who are like massively in debt and unemployed and are in need of a job, but pull up a zero. you know?

now, i am quite a good student, and  have some good GCSEs and i have a good CV (been working since i was 14), so why is it so difficult to get a job? i know people will be thinking, “oh everyone says that, its a recession blah blah blah” but what im saying, is what makes me so unqualified and unable to get a job?? like, seriously?? im literally scraping the barrel with different jobs that i would do this summer- i started looking at day care centers, and for those of you who know, me, you know that i do not like children, and i never EVER dream of having them, but there you go. i will do anything to have something exciting to do this summer, and not just work part time at a store and sleep for the rest of the weeks- that is not me. i am just one of those people that HAS to have something planned to do every day and i hate just sitting around all day.

but what i dont understand, is why the UK feels the need to keep children in school from september to JULY. every other country (America, israel, Germany etc) think “hey, lets let our children enjoy the summer, and let them finish school in june” . but no. the UK doesnt think that, and it pisses me off. you know? its not like in july after exams we actually do anything. for example, my school has told me, that even though i am not continuing some of my subjects next year into A2,i am still expected to be going to EVERY LESSON. like, whyyy?? you know?? blah. this is not fun and i hate the british school system, i really do. i wish i could be like president-primisterer-ess or whatever theyre called JUST to change the laws on schools. who’s with me????

blahh. comment below if you agree with me on school/summer jobs etc.

and reading this back really shows how little focus/lack of a point this has lol. but still.






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