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Hello world!

9 Apr

hey world!!

hows it going? ๐Ÿ˜‰

my name’s Rachael, and welcome to my new blog!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

so im kinda’ a nobody who likes talking, and ive always wanted to have a blog, just so i can put down some of my random-ass thoughts on something (even if no-one wants to read them, -sad face-). so im Rachael, yah ive said that already people tend to call me rack, even though thats got nothing to so with my physical appearance (no, seriously). i love baking, taking photos and basically talking about random crap in my life, so if you share an interest in those things, hey! lets be friends! (or just read my blog ;)). so im hoping to have fun with this blog and see where it takes me. id love to do blogging as my job when im older. (especially if my dreamย  of being a princess doesnt come true hashtag-itshouldhavebeenme) but ah well, i have time to have fun!

and im blonde. thats always a bonus!

im one of those people who tend to get really hyper (redbull, i love you..) and take random-ass photos of myself jumping around acting like a loser, and then post them on the internet, (yes, i wish i had the excuse that im a regular drinker, but alas, i dont) then be like what the muffins did i do that for, then have people laugh at me, which is always funny, so expect to see some crazy stuff on here!! also, im one of those peope who is always dared to do stuff, and even when i shoud really have the common sense by now to say no, i alway say yes. so yeah, look forward to some of that coming your way ๐Ÿ˜‰

oh yeah, i also like to invent my own catchphrases, so beware.

send me something on the comments page and i’ll catch up with you later!!
