Tag Archives: rachael

Olympicos amigos.

6 Aug

Good evening my interweb friends!
How is everyone today? Im great!
So what is everyone thinking about these things going on right now? You might have heard of them- its called the Olympics. And I, as an Englander like a few others in the world, am very excited about the Olympics šŸ˜€ I was there at the opening ceremony- well, not really; I was in my pyjamas with a cup of tea and a blanket on the couch for the 10,000 hours it felt that the countries were walking in (half of which I had never heard of in my life), and I was thinking at the end (at 2am when I had to be at work at 9-oops!) thinking about it and what I had just witnessed, for what would be the only time in my life, they say. At first, when I saw the opening ceremony, I couldnā€™t help ā€“like many others- comparing it to the opening ceremony in china 4 years ago (I saw the highlights- bloody hell it was sparkly) and felt like, ā€œthat was it?ā€. But when talking about it with my friendlings over coffee (yes, we are sophisticated šŸ˜‰ ) it kind of dawned on me how spectacular it was. See, England is one of the many countries which has a true history, and I think we were right to choose to honor that and show it to the world, and not give in to the pressure to put on a big avent garde song and dance. I just hope people from other countries understood the concept and were able to learn something from it, but sadly, from the people I have spoken to, they have not. But the actual games themselves are amazing. I have pretty much sat on my couch with my bi-daily (is that a word?) punnet of blueberries watching the gymnastics (my favourite!) and the diving and the swimming and the basketball (also my favourite) and ive just been in awe of everything, and it takes a while to take it in. all of the athletes giving everything to their 10seconds or so to win something for their country, and how they have trained all day every day for year, just to take part in that one race, or to do that one gym routine and its so amazing and incredible how people from all around the world can come together, forget all differences and conflicts in the world, and just come together to take part in friendly sporting events. Its mind blowing, but also humbling at the same time.
However, there was one incident on twitter (if you havenā€™t followed me yet- please do šŸ˜‰ @RachaelHannahx3) during the opening ceremony that really got to me. It shouldnā€™t, but it did. Now, I am British, with American citizenship, and a jew. So I am impartial to countries, but I have that special support for team GB, Team USA and Team Israel (I have a lot of friends in Israel) and when I was on twitter, you know, when people make a comment on every country that walked in like ā€œwho are they?ā€ ā€œwhere the hells that country?ā€ ā€œlove their sexy outfitsā€ (they all looked like air hostesses- like you see in the virgin atlantic commercials? I couldnā€™t get past it :L) but when it got to Israel, I was like WOOO YEAAAH ISRAEL, as you do, but some people on twitter were like ā€œIsrael, I spit at themā€ and ā€œf*ck off you pieces of sh*t!ā€ and other very not nice things, and I was like, how could one person, who has had no personal offence towards them from the whole country, take such a hate to a certain group of people from a certain place?? It was so disrespectful, and kind of made me lose hope in many parts of the human race, and it was just disgusting. Ok thatā€™s my spiel.
So yeah- im going to be so upset when the Olympics are over (I still havenā€™t gotten tickets D: ) because it seems that the weeks leading up to the Olympics and while the Olympics are here, England is such a happy place. Especially living so close to London, everyone is on such a high right now, with all of the towns being decorated with 2012 stuff and its just so cute- whats going to happen when everyone goes home? Its going to be so so depressingĀ šŸ˜¦
Well- enjoy your summer guys! (im still waiting for my first hot day so I can go to the beach for like the first time in years!) Iā€™ll see you next week!! šŸ˜‰
Again- follow me on twitter @RachaelHannahx3
And Iā€™ve just joined this new craze thing thatā€™s going on on twitter right now? Its called ask.fm, It seems like that formspring thing people (admittedly, I had it, too, as you know :P) so if you want to ask me any questions (no barriers, no such thing as a stupid question!) just shoot it this way- http://ask.fm/RachaelHannahh
Ok see you next week šŸ™‚
(I like that smiley. You should never deprive (is that the right word?) a smiley of its nose.

what do you think about the olympics?? comment below šŸ˜‰


why the future scares me

25 Jul

hello bloggie friendy wordpressy lovelies!!
sorry i havent blogged in a while, been so busy with school and work its been like a hurricane going off in my brain, which already cant handle many of the everyday tasks that come at a person (im a bit, some say, “slow” haha), but that is, as said by many, down to my physical and psychological blonde nature šŸ˜‰ but there you go.
so what’s been bothering me, and probably many other people in the Uk right now, if not, the world (thats a scary thought) is the thought of university apps. im going into my final year of 6th form, and i have had the idea of going to university and knowing exactly what i want to do shoved at me every year, but especially this year. i think in the space of a month, i had about 4 full school says, just devoted to higher education, and some people just need to sit back and be like, wtf.
so dont get me wrong, i want to go to university more than anything, you know, freedom, a career, new friends, living alone, partying, no parents telling me im not allowed to go out at certain times, and that sounds like such an awesome concept, which ive been looking forward to my whole life (well, from the age which i knew what university WAS), but, what i dont get, is if the world wanted to many people with careers and having proper training and usable skills, why make university to competitive?!
the course i want to do, dental hygiene and therapy, is an awesome course (i wouldnt get onto the proper dentistry course as i dont have an A level in chemistry-boo), and you come out of it with a decent starting salary (about 40,000), but what i dont get is the few people that they actually accept onto a course. like, portsmouth, por examplƩ, only take 16 people out of like 500 applicants, and im like, how the hell am i going to compete with 500 people for a spot??!! im not THAT smart, but i could get the BBB requirements.
like, if people were so into there being people in all of these career sections, then why make it so fricken competitive that no-one will be able to get on?? i just think its rediculous. so i’ll just be a full time tweeting, blogging, cupcake decorating freelance photographer and see how that goes. why not?
i understand why university is meant to be like an amazing thing, but its not cut out for everyone. some people just need to take a step back and just do what the hell they want.(so i can get that place in a dental hygiene course ;))
so yeah, anyone else got any problems/worries about universities they want to discuss? i’ll be more than happy to discuss it with you! just post below! šŸ˜‰
oh, and about my blogging habits, i’ll try to blog about once a week now that summers in (schools out- yay!!) so watch this space! šŸ˜‰
if you’ve got twitter then follow me on @RachaelHannahx3 or @RachaelSays_ and if some of you interweb users are very hi-tech, then follow me on tumblr; wwww.peace-love-camera.tumblr.com ( but you’ll need to teach me how to use it as it seems ive only been reblogging pictures of cats, hashtag-foreveralone). so ask me something or follow meeee! šŸ˜‰ also or my pretty snaps, http://www.flickr.com/RachaelHannahx3
ok thats my spiel done, just wanted to get that out there so i can connect with my blogging friends 24/7 šŸ˜‰ (im a pro stalker. ok only kidding!)
i promise next blog will be funnier, i just wanted to get this out there šŸ˜‰
so yeh if you have anything to add to this, comment below!! šŸ˜€
byeee!!! ā¤

chickens squawk.

why school and summer annoys me

20 May

good evening bloggers!

hope you all had a lovely, peaceful weekend, ‘cuz i didnt. -.- sat on the floor in my living room ALL weekend, doing nothin but human biology revision for my exam tomorrow. might have a myocardial infarction ive done so much (its a biology joke- get it?? ;)) <- evidence that ive revised too much, haha.

so as exams (kinda) come to an end, that means that summer is upon us. or so we think- look outside at all of the rain and you might be fooled that it is still february- and its that time of year, where im freaking out as hell over what to do this summer.

so every summer for the whole of my life, i have gone to america to visit family, and the past 6 summers i have gone to sleep away camp. but this summer, is the first summer in my whole life that i am not booked to go (im too old to go to summer camp now- boo.) and it sucks, and its like the wierdest thing ever.

so, ive been looking frantically for summer jobs, andĀ i dont know what to do. ive tried to apply to loads of summer camps in America, but i cant work there because their summer season starts in the end of June, and i dont get out of school until the end of July and they wont let me work there for only the second month- i know, it sucks. and i have a part time job at the moment (yeaaah bigging it up working in retail..-.-) and i DO NOT want the highlight of my summer to be working 2 evenings a week in a store. thats just not happening- especially when i need to buy a car this summer (any donations happily accepted ;)) and it just sucks. i have been on pretty much every website on this magical thing called the internet, and i am pulling a blank.i feel like one of those adults who are like massively in debt and unemployed and are in need of a job, but pull up a zero. you know?

now, i am quite a good student, andĀ  have some good GCSEs and i have a good CV (been working since i was 14), so why is it so difficult to get a job? i know people will be thinking, “oh everyone says that, its a recession blah blah blah” but what im saying, is what makes me so unqualified and unable to get a job?? like, seriously?? im literally scraping the barrel with different jobs that i would do this summer- i started looking at day care centers, and for those of you who know, me, you know that i do not like children, and i never EVER dream of having them, but there you go. i will do anything to have something exciting to do this summer, and not just work part time at a store and sleep for the rest of the weeks- that is not me. i am just one of those people that HAS to have something planned to do every day and i hate just sitting around all day.

but what i dont understand, is why the UK feels the need to keep children in school from september to JULY. every other country (America, israel, Germany etc) think “hey, lets let our children enjoy the summer, and let them finish school in june” . but no. the UK doesnt think that, and it pisses me off. you know? its not like in july after exams we actually do anything. for example, my school has told me, that even though i am not continuing some of my subjects next year into A2,i am still expected to be going to EVERY LESSON. like, whyyy?? you know?? blah. this is not fun and i hate the british school system, i really do. i wish i could be like president-primisterer-ess or whatever theyre called JUST to change the laws on schools. who’s with me????

blahh. comment below if you agree with me on school/summer jobs etc.

and reading this back really shows how little focus/lack of a point this has lol. but still.






Bitches on the Internet

17 May

Good evening!!
Well, as always I’m sorry for not gracing you with my presence, but if you are one of my English/British readers, then you will know full well that may = exam time, and for me, that means 9 AS level exams. (don’t worry I’ve already blogged about why exams piss me off. Take a read)
So today i had my German speaking exam. And one of the topics I had to be asked about was friendship, and false friends and online bullying. Now this is quite a good topic for me, and I have lots of experience in these fields, sadly, including the latter.
My best friend is my world. I’m just going to put that out there. Weve been best friends since the first day of year 7, so 5 years ago, and we’re still best friends, I love her to pieces. And I have lots of friends. They’re all great and stuff, but what I fail to understand (and someone explain to me if I’m being naive) is why some people choose to be fake friends with someone.
Like you see it all the time in like movies and stuff… And you’re like, oh that’ll never happen to me. Then it does. I was best friends with this one girl, and she was like my sister, we were like that close, and there was this other friend, and they used to be best friends before I knew my best friend, and they got really close again, and it turned out that the other girl was a fake friend to me to get my best friend. And I’m like, dude, whyyyyy?? Like, what’s the point. Honestly. What is the purpose. I know I’m the coolest person in this whole fricken universe (I am. Ask my mum) but come in, grow up. Like, what benefit do people get out of it. I can’t lie like a simple lie about like what I had for lunch to my friends, never mind be fake friends with someone for LOLs. Yeah k weirdos.
Another thing which is pretty annoying, is like people, especially girls, (sorry to be sexist, but it’s true…) feel like beefcakes on the Internet. They’re like, oh look at that bitch’s photo. She looks like she’s been attacked by a sponge covered in orange paint. Or “oh look at her. She’s only got like 100 friends hashtag-foreveralone” and like in reality, they’re a scrawny little 12 year old who couldn’t fight a cold. Like, seriously. And how girls feel they can say mean things to others over the Internet, and it’s ok. Uh, no. If anything it makes you look like a shy loser. I mean everyone’s done it, I’ll admit that, but I don’t go to the extent that some girls go.
So about 3 years ago, I had this thing called formspring, which was like totally popular then, and for you younger readers who shouldn’t have bee surfing the net 3-4 years ago, it’s basically a site where you make a profile and people can ask you questions, either by their profile or anonymously (I have no idea how to spell that :3). So I was like dude yeah this is fun send some funny questions to my friends like “what’s your favourite powerpuff girl hashtag-90skid” and theyd be like “dude that’s fricken harsh” but then I started getting questions, which, to defeat the point, weren’t actually, questions. They were just comments people had about me that they were too chickensh*t to tell me to my face or even Facebook me about. It started about like I was short, or I was ugly, or I was the third wheel in that mess I told you about earlier, but then people started telling me that they wish hitler had killed my family, and it was a shame they survived, and that people wished that I would die, and making fun of my jewish nose asking me if it hurts or if I could breathe (yes, that did make my chuckle) and when i was getting a nose job and stuff, and hope my family all get in this big accident and die or something like that. And I was like who the hell is this. How disgusting for someone to say something like that to another person, and the whole hitler thing was way too far (I’d already been picked on before for being the only Jewish person in my school) and theres just no need for it, because I honestly think that I am a genuinely nice person. I smile at everyone, I’m friendly blah blah blah, so why do that to someone?
I just think its wrong, that’s all. What do you think? Give,e your wisdom! šŸ™‚
Sorry this is so morbid and dull. I had a really good idea about something to write, but as I started writing I forgot. (I know, I’m totally clueless)
Write to you soon hopefully!! šŸ™‚
Comment below if you agree/disagree/have something to add. šŸ˜‰

Love you! :*

Carrot cake.

Profile pictures that annoy me.

29 Apr


Good evening world! How’s It going? šŸ˜‰
So today, on my very productive Sunday (I was supposed to be working, but got someone to cover my shift because I was too lazy to work hashtag-lazyass) I spent the majority of my time on my couch in my fluffy blanket and pjs snooping around social network sites, hashtag-stalker. so when on Facebook, and not just today, on pretty much every encounter I have with the outside world via the Internet, I notice a trend with people’s profile photos. Now, this is a topic that pisses me off to the extreme. Want to know why? People are whores. Sorry, but it has to be said. Ā 
Now, my profile picture is just me and my friend, from when we got dressed up to go out one day, just simple and real, butĀ when everyone else is on Facebook, they feel it completely necessary to slut themselves up and take a photo at a random ass angle, mainly focusing on their chest, (if they’re a girl that is), and making themselves look like a total motherf’in slut for people theyll probably never even meet in their life,or for people who know what they look like, and know pretty damn well they’re not that plastic little spastic they believe they are.Ā 
Like, even though you’re probably about 14 and have like no experience whatsoever, you deem it cool to straighten your hair to like a fricken …dead thing (I couldn’t think of anything else ha) and put on about 15 inches of foundation and powder and crap then get the biggest pushup bra ever, then stuff it with tissues, and wear the most revealing top in the world. Like, if you went out on the street looking like that,people would ask you how much you charge. Like, dude, your 14 put a fricken turtle neck on.Ā 
Also, they dont think it’s a good idea for people to recognise them by their face (if it’s even recognisable from the amount of paint you plastered yourself in) but for the picture to be a shot from a slightly high angle, focusing on their non existent -or fake- chest. Like, oh yeah! I know who you are by that chest! Uh, no.Ā 
And then they all pull the same pose. It’s either the hand cupping the ear and the duck pout, or the arm like in a snooty handbag-on-the-elbow pose with the duck pout, or it’s the yum let me nibble on my fingers and then look like I’m about to cry pose. Like, seriously, be original.
Another thing I don’t get, is when girls, and guys, just take a random picture in the mirror with a pouting face on their Nokia or blackberry or other crappy overrated phone, and what’s worse,is they don’t like to look into the mirror, they’re looking at the phone, and most of the time you can’t even see they’re ugly whorelike face because the fricken phones in the way. Mm, attractive hashtag-sarcasm. But what makes me laugh the most is when people take said photos in bathrooms or other random places and you’re like mm, toilet… Ha.Ā 
And one thing that just annoys me to like the brink of… Annoyance(?)… Is when people like badly edit their pictures and put like words, like omg best boif fo evahhh an a daaiii ‘xo mwaaa baybehhh ā¤ like, get me a bucket,its so fricken tacky.
And people who make their pictures like cars or strippers and youre like, oh yeah, that’s exactly what you look like….Ā 
So Yeaaah, that’s what grinds my….things.. that.. grind…(?) (I’m really bad with the comparisons thing tonight…) . Please enlighten me on why people do this??
See you tomorrow! šŸ˜‰ keep looking sexual on Facebook kids! šŸ˜‰
Don’t forget the pouty face!

Why I want to hit exams in the face.

28 Apr

Oh hey! Sorry for my recent absence from my blogging life, (if I even have one!) but I’ve been really busy, and that brings up what i want to talk about today…
Now, for my British readers especially, exams are a big pain in the butt. Like high fat contents foods and long waiting, but much worse.Ā 
So most of you, if you go to secondary school, will be experiencing GCSEs/A-levels. I’m in year 12 and im doing my A levels (yeah, duh) German, psychology, human biology and re/philosophy to be exact. I know. Ew.
So, as I go to a grammar school, all teachers ever seem to go on about is exams and results and blah blah blah blah. You know what I’m talking about? Cool.
So, I was casually sitting with the year 7s in my mentor group, which is basically just 20 minutes a day of mixed age group crap and they got these exam time tables, then the year 8s did, and I was like what the muffins is going on? Like dude, when I did year 7 and 8 I did f-all in all of my subjects- and now they’re taking exams?? Bull. And also, year 8s in my school are starting their language GCSEs and I’m like dude, when I was year 8 I probably knew how to say like a few simple sentences, and I’m sitting there trying to help some of them get through their speaking and writing exams, like a good sixth former that I am, and they’re all talking about verb endings and the dative and like conditional phrases and I’m like wtf is that. Like, what?!
When I was a kid -well, at that age- life was about having fun and doing nothing in lessons and making your teachers cry (my class got a count of 80% before we separated…) and now they’re shoving knowledge and exams down their tummies and it’s just not fun. Dude.
Another thing about exams…
…I don’t know why they have a time limit. I honestly don’t. When they do that, they’re basically asking you to show how much you can write in an allotted about of time, not completely the knowledge. Like, I could write a banging philosophy essay, Ā and it’ll take me about an hour or so just to make sure that I get everything in the right order and that is neat and grammatically correct and I can think it through blah blah blah and in 2 weeks I have to write 4 essays in like 2.5 hours and it’s like what the hell. So no matter how smart you are, if you’re a slow writer, you’re screwed. Please explain this to me, I’m not even kidding. It’s like, you’re not going to magically cheat the answer if you sit there for 3 hours compared to 2 like, how does it help? It doesn’t. And even if they did need to time exams, why dont they give it realistic timings?? Like, in my re/philosophy exam, I have 37.5 minutes (yes, 37.5 what a pisstake number) on each side, and I have 24 minutes to write a factual essay, AO1, then TWELVE minutes to write an evaluation essay, AO2. Now how I am meant to do it and make it good in twelve minutes I have NO idea. I mean, give us some realistic timings dude.
And then no matter how well you try you see your teachers once you get your results, and they’re like “good try” and it’s like the most patronising thing anyone can ever say to you, like they’re basically saying, well done for giving it a go, but you’re sh*t. Niiice. Why bother?
Anyone else share my annoyance?? Comment below.
Blog you again soon!Ā 


Technology sucks.

16 Apr

Good evening bloggers, and blog readers…

So today I want to talk about this magical invention some of you might have heard of. It’s called technology. And what I want to talk about specifically, is why it fricken hates me.
Now, I’m a 17 year old, and a good portion of my “disposable income” (well, what’s left of my minimum wage that’s not been spent of Starbucks everyday and clothes that I’ll never actually wear…) goes towards buying new technology. So my dad (when he’s not working 24/7 doing god knows what) spends a lot of his time on technology, too, so I’ve always grown up having the newest and best technology going, my favourite collection being every game boy and Pokemon game produced, but that’s just me. And recently, it’s started to dawn on me that technology sucks. In spend about Ā£20-Ā£30 a month on updating or new technology. My latest rip off was a Bluetooth keyboard for my iPad. (I’ll get to the iPad later.) now, it wasn’t expensive, and therefore I don’t expect much and I’m not that picky or anything, but if I do expect one thing, thats for it to work. I opened the box, after the delivery already being like 3 days late, and hooked it up. It worked for about an hour, then it slowly stopped. (the hint was when the word ‘evolution’ became ‘en’. Yeah, a slight give away I know) and I thought ok, it must be out of charge. So I put it on charge, and 24 hours later, I try again, and it’s not working, other than the occasional ‘e’ then it stops working again (I’m fighting for the company for a refund.). Fun stuff, I know. And surely if there’s this new, wonderful technology that’s like sending people and robots into outer space and making like phones that plug into your head, then the concept of a keyboard, which was discovered like, a hundred or more years ago should be pretty fricken easy. Obviously not.
And about my iPad… I bought it in the summer, and every time I try to sync it up to my computer, all of my apps just break and I can’t use them. And then I have to reset my iPad to factory settings, then restore it to my settings and my photos blah blah blah (my iPads called splat, by the way, in case anyone was interested…) and it’s just a nightmare. Now if I’m spending like Ā£450 on some machine smaller than a piece of paper, then I fricken expect it to do what it’s supposed to do. And worse, I just go onto the apple website, and they ask me to PAY to ask them a simple question- here’s exactly that they say, and I quote: ”Ā Based on the information we have for your product, you may need to purchase a single incident of support or an AppleCare Protection Plan to speak with an Advisor. ” Ā are they fricken KIDDING ME? They’ve got to be kidding.they’re kidding me. Seriously.
But what’s more of a piss take is blackberry. Now blackberry is a pretty well known, and widely used phone producer, but the quality and service of the blackberry handset is shocking. I’ve had my blackberry storm (the slider one that looks like a traditional slide phone got sat on) for exactly a year now, and every month, without fail, it breaks. The camera never works, and the Internet doesnt work, and recently it’s stopped sending my texts all together. And if I’m paying monthly, I expect to get what I pay for. Gosh darnit.
I mean, dude, I am so unlucky when it comes to technology. I’m on my second laptop in a year (and even that ones broken) and its just ridiculous how crappy technology for really simple things are these days. I want to go back to the days of the brick Nokia where entertainment is playing snake in black and white. Llamas, that was the best, and I’m sure if I started that phone up itd work. Even after being thrown again a brick wall. And chewed. And dropped in the toilet. And god knows what else.
Oh and my Internet never works.Ā 
Does anyone else have this problem, or is it just me?
Ok night! :*Ā 

(And yes, I’m slowly typing this on my iPad while giving my crappy not working keyboard the evil eye, and contemplating the temptation of it exiting my room via the window.)



Movies that annoy me

10 Apr
Hey chickens!
So today I had a productive day with my momma, and now and spending my afternoon sleeping, eating and watching movies.
But what i really wanted to talk about was some really annoying movies, and by some, I mean one, and by movies, I mean Charlie and the chocolate factory, you know, the one with Johnny depp?? Yeaaaah, that one.
So what pisses me off totally about this movie is the actors -especially Charlie and his dads- voices and accents. What I don’t get is 1) where this movie is even meant to have taken place 2) WHY CHARLIE AND HIS FAMILY ARE THE ONLY ONES WITH THESE ANNOYING BRITISH ACCENTS THAT ARE SO FAKE BUT SPEAK AMERICAN WORDS, WHICH IS DOUBLY ANNOYING. Now, I have American parents, and I grew up with these American words, but I know they sound GHASTLY in a British accent, so why put it in a movie?! I mean they say words like candy and summer vacation, and everytime in hear them I just want to hit someone in the face, Ā Grr. And like, they live in a place where everyone else has American accents, and they dont? I’m yet to find someone who agrees with me, or understands where I’m going with this.
Also, its so super-Ć¼ber annoying, when Charlie finds the ticket, and everyone’s like, “aww he found a ticket even though he’s a poor loser!” And I’m like, no, seriously?? Is s obvious that he finds one eventually otherwise all the movie would be is him sitting outside of the factory, psychoticslly licking the gate chanting “that should have been me”. Seriously? No. Hashtag-goddamit.
Further, (some of my excessive essay writing has come into play here ;)) some of the KEY things from the first movie, are like NOT THERE. Where’s the room where Charlie’s flying?? The lickable wallpaper with the snazberries or however the hell you spell it. Or that creepy guy that tried to get Charlie to do a bad thing?! Like seriously?? That was like iconic gold from the first movie and they go and fricken throw it away. Disgusting.
AND WHERE IN THE BOOK DOES IT SAY THAT WILLY WONKA WAS A NEGLECTED (or candy deprived) child, then went on a massive sugar psychotic binge, then like own a chocolate factory? What I want to know is how in hell did Ā he get gabillions of dollars (or pounds) to fricken pay for that?? Like come ON. Massive flaws in the story line.
Grr this movie just fricken annoys me.
And Johnny depp looks like a pedophile. Just going to throw that one out there, make of it what you will.
I could probably do like a 20 minute YouTube video on this.
Kbye kids, see you tomorrow! :*
(If I don’t kill myself trying to work out this mucked up movie)
Wow I rambled on a lot. I hope someone shares my interest/hatred/annoyance. Comment below if so, then well be like, best friends for life.

Hello world!

9 Apr

hey world!!

hows it going? šŸ˜‰

my name’s Rachael, and welcome to my new blog!! šŸ˜‰

so im kinda’ a nobody who likes talking, and ive always wanted to have a blog, just so i can put down some of my random-ass thoughts on something (even if no-one wants to read them, -sad face-). so im Rachael, yah ive said that already people tend to call me rack, even though thats got nothing to so with my physical appearance (no, seriously). i love baking, taking photos and basically talking about random crap in my life, so if you share an interest in those things, hey! lets be friends! (or just read my blog ;)). so im hoping to have fun with this blog and see where it takes me. id love to do blogging as my job when im older. (especially if my dreamĀ  of being a princess doesnt come true hashtag-itshouldhavebeenme) but ah well, i have time to have fun!

and im blonde. thats always a bonus!

im one of those people who tend to get really hyper (redbull, i love you..) and take random-ass photos of myself jumping around acting like a loser, and then post them on the internet, (yes, i wish i had the excuse that im a regular drinker, but alas, i dont) then be like what the muffins did i do that for, then have people laugh at me, which is always funny, so expect to see some crazy stuff on here!! also, im one of those peope who is always dared to do stuff, and even when i shoud really have the common sense by now to say no, i alway say yes. so yeah, look forward to some of that coming your way šŸ˜‰

oh yeah, i also like to invent my own catchphrases, so beware.

send me something on the comments page and i’ll catch up with you later!!
